
Yellowstone National Park

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Home at last

Arches & Canyonland National Parks


Aspens at Rocky Mt. National Park

Well we are finally home from our summer at Yellowstone. We left on 9-11 and stopped at Moab,Ut for two nights. We went to Arches and Canyonland National Parks. Had a great time-did lots of hiking and took lots of pictures. Arches was the best-really pretty.

Then down the road to Vail, Co - of course we did some shopping and had lunch.

We than headed to the Rocky Mt. National Park. It was really cold and the wind was blowing about 50 miles an hour so we did not get out much. We stopped at Estes Park for lunch -sight seeing and of course some more shopping.

We stopped at Glenwood Co. that night. Glenwood is a beautiful town and the drive along Hwy 70 thru the Glenwood Canyon is know as one of the prettiest drives in the USA.

All good things most come to an end-it was time to head home. We stopped in Memphis to visit Nancy’s brother and sister in law. As always we had a wonderful visit.

We had a great summer, but it nice to be home and to see friends and family.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's time to go home


What a wonderful summer we have had. Many friends and family came to visit. We have taken many trips to other parts of the park in addition to the wonderful places out side in the beautiful states of Mt.and Wy. We are looking forward to coming home to see friends and family, but sad to be leaving this wonderful place.

The elk rut has started. Every day the elk are coming down from the hills. The big bulls are herding their girls around and running off the smaller bulls. It’s so much fun to watch.

We will be leaving Saturday morning after checking out with personnel and turning in all badges, books so on and so forth. We do not know how long it will take us to get home as we are stopping at some of the NP’s along the way.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Jackson and Grand Teton N.P.

The Moose of Grand Teton National Park

Hidden Falls at Jenny Lake

Chapel of the Transfiguration at Teton National Park

The Cowboy - Jackson Square

Grand Teton National Park

Flowers in Jackson

This week on our days we went to Jackson and The Grand Teton National Park . We got off work early on Weds and drove down to Jackson to spend two nights. What a great time we had. The best thing of all was that we got our moose pictures. This was the only big animal pictures that we do not have. We went to the visit center at moose creek. The moose have been hanging around that area for the last 6 or 7 days. We were able to get pictures of three bulls and later came across 2 mothers with babies.

After many more moose pictures we headed up to Jenny Lake were we took the boat to the other side. We hiked up to the hidden falls and than hiked all the way around the lake to the parking lot.

That evening we had supper in down-town Jackson and did a little shopping.

Next morning up early to get more moose pictures. Later we went to Teton Village. We took the tram to the top of the mountain. Had a nice lunch and headed on home via Mesa falls and West Yellowstone. We had a really nice two days and got great moose pictures.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Virginia City

Views of the earthquake slide
as it remains 50 years later

This week on our day off we decided to spent some time out- side the park. Every one has been talking about Virginia City and the beautiful ride going there. On the way we stopped at Earthquake Lake (Hahgen Lake) On Aug 17, 1959 an earth quake hit the area killing 28 campers as they slept. The whole side of the mountain came down destroying the campground and all roads leading in and out of the valley.

Local bar in Virgina City

Hangman's building were the outlaws met their end

Views from Boot Hill

Virginia City

Six prospectors stumbled onto Alder Creek in May 1863, and their discovery of gold led to the establishment of Virginia City. The town attracted thousand of miners and a band of renegades said to have committed more than 190 murders in 6 months. The miners formed a secret group who captured and hanged 21 of the criminals, including the outlaw leader, the sheriff.

One of the older cities in the state. More than 130 building have been preserved. Boot hill contains the graves of the road agents. They have done a really good job of preserving the city. It gives you the feeling that you were back in the 1860’s.

We than headed to Bozeman and of course Wal-mart on our way home.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Buddy and the boys at Yellowstone

Drew & Trey at Norris Geyser Basin

Drew, Buddy and Trey at the lower falls

Drew Buddy Nancy Trey at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

After dinner at Roosevelt Lodge

Last Friday Buddy Trey and Drew came for a visit. We did all the tourist things. We went to the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone to see the upper and lower falls. We took lots pictures. Later we drove over to Roosevelt Lodge for supper and than on to Lamar Valley. We were lucky to see a herd of buffalo up by the road-more pictures. We also spotted several bears. The next morning they came up to Mammoth Hotel and had breakfast with me before heading down to Old Faithful area. When they were here a herd of elk come down the hill behind our dorm. After Old Faithful they were heading on to Jackson to meet up with Karen. I hope they enjoyed their visit as much as I enjoyed seeing them.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

We have more company

Patty from Florida and Marilyn from Denver were here to visit us for a few days. Bill and Mary Ann have returned from their visit to Glacier National Park. So we decided to go on a hike called Golden Gate. Along the way we met four horseback riders who had been camping out for 3 day. When they got a short ways past us they yell out grizzly bear on your left. We spent the next half hour looking for it as we hiked. Luckily Marilyn spotted it. Bill and I had walk right by it and never saw it. It was down the hill from us and eating. We got out of there as fast as we could. That night we all went out to supper in the big town of Gardiner


Starting out on our hike

The riders who warned as about the grizzly bear.

Us looking for the bear

The end of the trail.

Next day we went to Chico’s a resort just north of Gardiner for lunch. Bill and Mary Ann were on their way to Bozeman to spend the night before flying home the next morning.

Bill & Mary Ann

Flowers at Chico

Later that day the four of us gals rode out to Lamar Valley to see what animals we could find. We found a big herd of bufflo

Bufflo at Larmar Valley

Patty and Marilyn decided to spent another day up here-since we had to work-they spent the day touring the park. We had supper together and spent the evening visiting. We enjoyed the visit.