
Yellowstone National Park

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hiking Mount Washburn

Black bear along the way

Osprey nest with babies

Flowers along the way

It's a long way up to the top

Views along the way

We hiked to the top

There was still snow at the top

We maded it to the top

Starting our way down the other side

Looking back at Look Out Tower

Hiking down the opposite side

Hiking Mount Washburn is one of the things you must do when you are at Yellowstone. Friday was the day. It’s a 5.5 mile strenuous hike up the mountain. We went up one side and down the other. But the views and wild flowers were worth it. The wild flowers covered both sides of the mountain. I have pictures but they don’t show the beautiful colors. On the drive over we stopped at a pullout that has an osprey nest-with 2 babies- on top of a rock formation in the middle of a canyon. We also stopped to take pictures of a black bear. After the hike we drove to Canyon Lodge for lunch. We were to tired gals-but what a great hike.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Old Faithful Inn

Coyote hunting for breakfast

Fire Hole River

Young Grizzly Bear along the road

On our day off this week we decided to drive to the Old Faithful area. We went to play tourist and also to shop. As employee’s we get 40% off mdse this week. Old Faithful Inn has the best gift shop. The first thing we saw was a coyote along the road. He was hunting so he wasn’t paying attention to us. We drive up to Fire Hole River which has a beautiful water fall and is one of two place that you can swim in the hot springs. On our way home we saw a young grizzly bear by the road side. Another photo opp.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Our Days Off

Spring flowers and views of Wraith Falls

Natural Bridge River

The first snowmobile

Wild life along the road

We worked for 5 days and now it’s time to play. On Thursday after breakfast we hiked Wraith Falls. A nice short hike to a waterfall. After the hike we headed to Gardiner to have our hair cut. We were both happy with the cuts. (surprise/surprise) Than on to lunch in Livingston. We were going on a road trip one of the fellows told us about . We drove to Big Timber, Mt. and than headed to the Natural Bridge. What a great trip on the back roads of Montana. Lots of wild life-waterfalls-and just pretty views. We didn’t get back till after 10pm.

Black Bear on the way to Canyon

Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

The bottom of Lower Falls
362 stairs down and back up

Bruce and the girls

Lower Falls

Yellowstone Lake from the top of Elephant Back

Friday- three of us went to the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone to hike the waterfalls. We hike the Uncle Tom Trail to the bottom of the falls. It’s 362 steps down and 362 steps back up-need I say more. There was a rainbow at the bottom of the falls. We than went on to Lake’s EDR for lunch. Than on to Elephant Back trail for a 5 round trip hike. When we got to the top you could see Lake Yellowstone and the two lodges. It was a great day. Back to work on Saturday.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th. of July

We had a great 4th even if we had to work. They let us leave about 3 pm as it was slow on the phones. We had a steak bar-b-que with all the fixings.

After Nancy & I drove to Lamar Valley to see what animals we could find. We ended up seeing a black bear cub-a mother black bear-lots and lots of buffalo-in fact on the way home we had to sit for about an hour waiting for the buffalo to cross the road. They do not get in a hurry. The prize for the night was a grizzly bear at a buffalo kill. The buffalo had been killed by the wolves but the grizzly took over and ran off the wolves. They keep coming back but the grizzly would have none of it. I have pictures that I will post but their not very good as it was getting dark and they were to far away.

Pictures from Cody

Nancy & Nancy at the Buffalo Bill Museum

Wild Bill

The drive to the Dam

Buffalo Bill Dam