
Yellowstone National Park

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Cody, Wyoming

Pictures along the Chief Joseph Hwy. on the way to Cody

We went to Cody Wy. on our days off last week- what a great time. When we got up that morning it was hailing-by the time we were ready to leave the sun was out. What crazy weather they have out here.

We had them pack us a lunch for the trip. We drive over the Chief Joseph Hwy-it is one of the top 10 scenic drives in the northern rockies.
When we got to Cody we found out that the Buffalo Bill Cody Stampede was in town for 4 days and we were able to get tickets for that night. What a great show-all the big rodeo star were there.

The next morning we watch the Kiddie’s 4th of July parade. It was cute. Than on to the Buffalo Bill Historical Center. We spent about 4 or 5 hours there. We only saw about half of the center -so we will have to go back to Cody another time. On our way home we stopped at the Bufflo Bill Dam-they had the flood gates open at the time.
We made it in time to have supper at the Lake Yellowstone EDR. (Employee Dinning Room). We really enjoyed our visit to Cody.

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