
Yellowstone National Park

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Our days off

Baby otters

Views of Trout Pond

Bison along the road side

Lake Yellowstone Hotel

Snow along the road side in the mountains

On one of our days off Nancy-a friend and I took a tour of the north east part of the park. Going thru a mountain pass we found a lot of snow on the road sides. We checked out Roosevelt - Canyon and Lake Lodges. Lake is the most beautiful Lodge- it sits right on Lake Yellowstone.

Yesterday on our day off we went on a 4 mile hike to Trout Pond. It was so beautiful. The pond was full of trout as they were there to lay their eggs.
We also saw a mother otter with two babies. After the hike we went to Cooke City, MT for lunch. Cooke City is a small old west town with 2 places to eat. Surprise the food was great. We drove around for a time- every were you look it just beautiful. There is still snow on all the mountain top. On the way home we saw all kinds of animals. The best was the two bull elk. We were sorry to have to head home-but Saturday is a work day.

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